Technology Literacy

Technology Literacy

Technology Literacy

Technology literacy refers to the ability to understand, use, manage and access technology. It also refers to as digital literacy in which the users require the skills to use digital devices such as computers or smartphones to access the internet and digital media. The user can use the internet to create, discover, review, manage and evaluate data using a set of digital platforms, such as web pages, e-books, websites, social media platforms, among others. 

An individual can use these digital platforms to solve all types of problems: both academic problems and non-academic problems. This literacy also refers to the familiarity of an individual with digital devices and their usage, which has proven to be an essential skill in modern times.

As per the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, the technology literacy, information literacy and media literacy should be included the school curriculum. It is compulsory for all boards. Thus, all the publishers are including these literacies in their textbooks.

Here, a few examples of technology literacy are given that can be included in the school curriculum and textbooks to make the learners literate about technology.

Technology Literacy Example 1


Activity: Cost price, Selling price, Profit and Loss


If you buy a product for Rs 100 and sell it for Rs 110, you make a profit of Rs 10. As the original cost of the product is Rs 100, this will be a 10% profit.


However, if you sell the same product for Rs 90, you incur a loss of Rs 10. This means you are losing 10% on this transaction.


If I tell you the cost price and selling price of a product, can you give me a simple colour indicator that tells me if that transaction is a profit or a loss?




1.     Open a spreadsheet application of your choice (Example: Microsoft Excel).

2.     Type the cost price in one cell, for example, “A1”. Type the selling price in another cell, for example, “B1”.

3.     Calculate the difference between these two in the next cell, for example, “C1”.

4.     Use the “Conditional Formatting” option in the spreadsheet application to write a rule like this:

a.     If Cost Price > Selling Price, fill the cell in Red colour (Loss).

b.     If Cost Price < Selling Price, fill the cell in Green colour (Profit).

c.     If Cost Price = Selling Price, fill the cell in Yellow colour (No Loss, No Profit).

5.     Play with different cost prices and selling prices to see if the conditional formatting rules are working.

6.     Bonus point: Can you change the rules to fill the cell in Purple colour when the profit is greater than 25%?


Technology Literacy Example 2


Activity: The Dynamic Triangle


A triangle has three sides and three angles. Depending on how these sides and angles measure, a triangle belongs to one of these categories: Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral, Acute-Angled, Right-Angled, Obtuse-Angled. We can observe these in our environment every day because triangles are one of the common shapes in this world.


Drawing triangles on a computer is really easy. You can start with some random triangle and then drag its corners to the exact type we desire. That’s exactly what we are going to do in this fun activity.




1.     Open your favourite drawing application on the computer (Example: Microsoft Excel). Check its “Shapes” toolbox and ensure it allows you to draw a triangle.

2.     Drag-drop the triangle shape in your drawing. It will have three corners which we can call A, B and C.

3.     Click on any of the corners and move it in such a way that the three sides of the triangle are not equal. This will be a scalene triangle.

4.     Repeat step 3 and change this triangle to an isosceles triangle first, and then make it an equilateral triangle.

5.     Now, this equilateral triangle falls into which of these categories: acute-angled, right-angled or obtuse-angled.

6.     Bonus points: Draw a square using the same application. Connect its two opposite ends. Do you get two right-angled isosceles triangles?



Technology Literacy Example 3


Activity: Percentage and Its Applications


You are working in a factory which produces 100 washing machines per month. As you produce more and more washing machines, you become better at it and improve your capability by 6% per month. This means, in the second month you produce 100 + 6% = 106 washing machines.


At this rate, find out when you will double your capacity. That is, in which month you will produce 200 washing machines or more?




1. Open a Spreadsheet application of your choice (Example: Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets)

2. Type 100 in one cell. This is the first month’s capacity

3. In the next cell, write a formula that calculates the second month’s capacity (first month’s capacity + 6%)

4. Repeat step 3 in other cells until the capacity reaches 200 or more (double the original capacity)

5. State your answer to the teacher

6. Bonus points: What will be the answer if your capacity increases by 8% every month?

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