Case Study Class 10 Maths

Case Study Class 10 Maths

Case Study Class 10 Maths


A case study is an in-depth and detailed study of a specific case, such as a person, group, place, event, organization or phenomenon in real-world context. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical and business research.

The purpose of a case study is to learn about an individual or group so that the information can be generalized to many others. Unfortunately, case studies tend to be highly subjective, and it is sometimes difficult to generalize results to a larger population.

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 says that the case study questions should be a compulsory part of the school curriculum. Therefore, the case study questions are included in the textbooks of all classes and it is the part of the question papers also.

Here, you can find a few examples of case study questions. You can download a complete pdf of Case Study Questions for Class 10 Maths all chapters.


Case Study Class 10 Maths Examples


Case Study 1


Yoga has been practised in India since ancient time. The word yoga came from the Sanskrit word “Yog” meaning union. It is a type of mental, physical and spiritual discipline whose goal is to calm and unite the body, mind and soul.

Since 2015, 21st June is celebrated all over the world as International Yoga Day. Yoga has also become very popular in the western world. It has been adopted as a part of lifestyle by people who are very conscious of their health. International bodies, like World Health Organisation (WHO) promotes the practice of yoga as a means to improve health and to lead a healthy life.

Some Yoga asanas are given in the figure with their names.

Answer the following questions about the given asanas.


1. The angle between two arms in virabhadrasana is ____________.

a. acute angle         b. right angle       c.    obtuse angle         d.  straight angle

2. In adho mukha shavanasana, the body forms a triangle with horizontal ground. The triangle so formed is a/an _________.

a. acute-angled triangle                           b. right-angled triangle 

c. obtuse-angled triangle                         d. none of these

3. The approximate angle between two legs in vrikshasana is ______________.

a. 45°                b.     90°                       c.  180°                        d. 230° 

4. In which asana an arm and a leg form a straight line?

a. Dandasana       b. Utthita Parsvakonasana          c.  Siddhasana       d.   Vrikshasana

5. In which asana the angle between legs and upper body is approximately 90°?

a. Dandasana       b. Utthita Parsvakonasana          c.  Siddhasana       d.   Virabhadrasana


Case Study Class 10 Maths


Case Study 2


In temples of Odisha, the walls behind the idols are decorated with traditional, cloth-based scroll painting, known as Patachitra. This art form is famous for its complex and intricate details as well as mythological narratives and folktales portrait in it.

Dinanath is a Patachitra artist who has created the given painting in 24 days. The dimensions of the painting are 80 cm by 72 cm. Out of which, a border of width 4 cm is drawn along all four sides.

Now, answer the following questions.

1. The total area of the painting is __________.                                                                          

a.  5760 sq. cm        b.   6750 sq. cm       c. 7650 sq. cm       d. 7560 sq. cm

2. The area of the painting excluding border is __________.

a. 5400 sq. cm       b. 4500 sq. cm           c.  4608 sq. cm       d.  7400 sq. cm

3. The area of the border is __________.

a.  2115 sq. cm     b.   1152 sq. cm      c.    2151 sq. cm       d.  2500 sq. cm

4. If the cost of the painting is  10 per sq. cm, then the artist earns __________.

a.   67,500        b.  56,700      c.    65,700       d.  57,600

5. The length of the wooden sticks required to frame the painting is ___________.

a.  403 cm          b. 440 cm        c.  304 cm          d.   344 cm


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