Puzzle solution

Puzzle solution


                                                                 Puzzle 1: Boat Puzzle

Solution: Suppose A and B are two banks of the river. The farmer is at point A and wants to go at point B. First of all, he takes the sheep and cross the river and leave the sheep at point  B. He comes back at point A where the lion and the bundle of grass are there. He takes the lion with him and cross the river to point B. He leaves the lion at point B and takes the sheep back with him to point A where the bundle of grass is there. He leaves the sheep at point A and takes the bundle of grass with him and cross the river to point B. He leaves the bundle of grass at point B where the lion is already there. Again, he comes back to point A and takes the sheep to cross the river. And finally they all cross the river safely.

                                                               Puzzle 2: Think and Solve

Solution: Suppose A and B are two banks of the river. Hari is at point A and wants to go at point B.
1.      First of all, Pushpa and his son Anuj cross the river to point B.
50 kg + 25 kg = 75 kg < 80 kg
2.      Pushpa leaves Anuj at point B and goes to point A where Hari is waiting.
50 kg < 80 kg
3.      Pushpa stays at point A and Hari alone crosses the river to point B.
70 kg < 80 kg
4.      Now, Hari stays at point B and sends Anuj alone to point A to take Pushpa.
25 kg < 80 kg
5.      And finally Pushpa and Anuj cross the river.
50 kg + 25 kg < 80 kg

Thus, they finally cross the river safely.

                                                      Puzzle 3: Change Positions and Add

                                                          Puzzle 4: Code Breaker

                                                       YOU ARE GENIUS

                                                            Puzzle 5: Diggy Digits

For the four fours, the answer is:
44 − 4 + 4 = 44,
For the five fives, the answer is:
(5 x 5) + (5 x 5) + 5
For six sixes, the answer is:
 (6 + 6) x 6 + 6 − 6 – 6

Think any other solution.

                                                                     Puzzle 6: Heads over

You have to turn any three coins over at a time.

The answer is 4, like this:

Puzzle 7: Be Safe

He can visit any patient only once but he can visit twice in his own room, i.e., room number 13.
Thus, solution to this puzzle is as follows:

13 → 9 → 13 → 14 → 10 → 11 → 15 → 16 → 12 → 8 → 7 → 6 → 5 → 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 →

                                                            Puzzle 8: Magic Triangles

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